Robert Kenyon MacGregor, Radka MacGregor Pelikánová, Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic
Latest articles
Can public intervention improve local public sector economic performance? The analysis of Special Economic Zones in Poland
Katarzyna Kopczewska, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland
Liquidity and solvency of a company and the rate of return – an analysis of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Justyna Zalewska, Natalia Nehrebecka, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland
Financial leasing in Albania and the impact that internal factors of a SME would have on the probability to be financed by lease
Fatjola Lubonja, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Blerina Gjylameti, Sllavka Kurti, University of Tirana, Albania
A theory of global economic growth in the very long-run: is a grand innovation slowdown inevitable?
Stanislaw Gomulka, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Labour Market Institutions and Amplification of Employment Fluctuations
Toyoki Matsue, International University of Kagoshima, Kobe University, Japan
Google Street View image predicts car accident risk
Kinga Kita-Wojciechowska, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland
Łukasz Kidziński, Stanford University, Department of Bioengineering, United States
Quality attributes in the non-market stated-preference based valuation of cultural goods
Aleksandra Wiśniewska, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland
Are subsidies for Polish enterprises effective: empirical results based on panel data
Beata Gosk, Natalia Nehrebecka, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland
Basic income guarantee in the perspective of institutional economics
Michał Pawłowski, University of Warsaw, Poland