eISSN: 2543-6821
DOI prefix: 10.2478
open access
free of charge
double-blind peer-reviewed journal

Latest articles

Macroeconomic forecasting in Poland: The role of forecasting competitions

Jakyb Rybacki, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Economic Analysis, Poland

Published online: 2020-09-10

Determinants of audit fees: Evidence from Poland

Karol Rewczuk, Piotr Modzelewski, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland

Published online: 2020-08-26

What determines foreign direct investment in Russia?

Oleg Gurshev, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland

Published online: 2020-07-08

Role of clusters in the Polish innovation system

Marta Mackiewicz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, Poland

Published online: 2020-07-08

The benefits of the Velvet Revolution in Armenia: Estimation of the short-term economic gains using deep neural networks

Yervand Nahapetyan, University of Warsaw, Poland

Published online: 2020-07-08

Corporate bonds or bank loans? The choice of funding sources and information disclosure of Polish listed companies

Anna Białek-Jaworska, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland
Tomasz Krawczyk, Enterprise Europe Network

Published online: 2020-07-08

The nature and meaning of the Directive 2013/34/EU on financial statements according to the CJ EU

Robert Kenyon MacGregor, Radka MacGregor Pelikánová, Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic

Published online: 2020-06-17

Can public intervention improve local public sector economic performance? The analysis of Special Economic Zones in Poland

Katarzyna Kopczewska, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland

Published online: 2020-06-06

Liquidity and solvency of a company and the rate of return – an analysis of the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Justyna Zalewska, Natalia Nehrebecka, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland

Published online: 2020-06-06

Financial leasing in Albania and the impact that internal factors of a SME would have on the probability to be financed by lease

Fatjola Lubonja, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Blerina Gjylameti, Sllavka Kurti, University of Tirana, Albania

Published online: 2020-05-26

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