Submission and Formatting Instructions

Here you’ll find all necessary information and useful tips for authors who plan to submit a manuscript to the Central European Economic Journal.

The process of submitting manuscripts is OPEN all year long. We encourage you to follow our CALL FOR PAPERS for special issues.
In order to make the submission process smooth and easy, we present the instructions for the Authors who would like to publish in CEEJ, and information on our editorial policy and submission requirements.

Submission Instructions

Articles for publication should be submitted via the manuscript submission system ScholarOne, available at the journal’s website: .
Learn more about ScholarOne Manuscripts via video tutorials, user guides and FAQs:
Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance:
If your manuscript has more than one author, the submission must be made solely by one corresponding author. You will be asked to provide information on all coauthors of the manuscript in the submission system in addition to accepting co-authorship terms on behalf of all coauthors.
To submit your paper, you are required to include the following files and information in the submission system:

  1. Your manuscript (main document) written entirely in English (British English preferred), WITHOUT author data, WITH Title, Abstract, Keywords, References (see requirements below), prepared in MS Word;
  2. Title page of your manuscript including:
    • Title of the manuscript (preferred no more than max 15 words)
    • All authors’ names and affiliations (name of the university, then name of the unit (department and/or institute), all authors’ full address details: Postal/full address: Street, Number, Town, Code, State (if any), Country o Authors’ ORCIDs, (if you don’t have your ORCID you can obtain it here:
    • Keywords (max. 5 keywords)
    • JEL codes (min. 1, max. 3, JEL classification of the paper should be submitted according to the
      classification scheme available here:
    • Abstract (see Formatting Instructions below)
    • Acknowledgments (if any)
  3. Cover Letter to the Editors: a brief justification why you chose our journal. If you submit an article that is at least 50% revised version of an article that has already been published as conference proceedings or Working Paper, be sure to mention it in the Cover Letter for Editors.

Please, put all tables/figures/ etc. in the main body of the manuscript. You can also submit them as separate files, especially if they have special quality requirements (e.g., high-resolution maps). In that case, please flag their correct position in the body text using ‘FIGURE X HERE’.
Each table/figure/ etc. requires a short, descriptive title. If necessary, suitable notes can be included below
them. If the Author includes in the article illustrations and/or pictures which do not belong to him/her, the Author is obliged to submit a signed Figure Copyright form. Illustrations and/or pictures for publication shall be supplemented with a written statement of the Author that possesses the copyrights (alternatively, a written statement of the author/s of the picture for publication).

Formatting Instructions

The papers should not have more than 40 A4 pages typed in Times New Roman font, 12 points with double space (up to 30 lines per page). The electronic versions (including tables and figures) should not exceed 5MB.

The abstract should contain 400 to 1500 characters (including spaces) and detail the paper’s objective,
motivation, methodology, main findings, and contribution. This does not have to refer to the research
literature unless the author wishes to emphasise the contribution to a commonly acknowledged work or model.

The papers should be submitted in English (British English preferred).

Footnotes should be avoided according to the principle: if something is worth mentioning, let it be mentioned in the main text; otherwise, it may not be worth mentioning at all.

Tables and figures should be numbered continuously (each category has a separate numbering). Approximate captions for tables and figures should be indicated. You may add a separate file including tables and/or figures.
However, you must specify precisely where they should be located in your manuscript. We recommend this solution especially for figures with special quality requirements (e.g., high-resolution maps). Figures should be prepared as JPG objects with a resolution of a minimum of 300 dpi.

Use a dot as the decimal separator and a comma as the grouping separator for the thousands.

References to the literature should be included in the main text in compliance with APA Style. The reference list should be compiled alphabetically (and chronologically, starting with the earliest publication of a given author). References should be prepared in compliance with APA Style with DOIs. See the APA Style Guidelines for examples.