eISSN: 2543-6821
DOI prefix: 10.2478
open access
free of charge
double-blind peer-reviewed journal

Latest articles

Cash flow sensitivity of investment: Evidence from the Polish listed companies

Marian Nehrebecki, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland

Published online: 2020-10-28

‘Big 4’ influence on audit market

Marta Tache, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Published online: 2020-11-09

The relationship between profitability and financial liquidity among the importers of best-selling brands of new cars in Poland

Paweł Łojek, Cracow University of Economics, Poland

Published online: 2020-10-23

Determinants of corporate R&D expenditures: the role of taxes

Dorota Wasiluk, Anna Białek-Jaworska, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland

Published online: 2020-10-23

Are the European Commission’s forecasts of public finances better than those of national governments?

Jakub Rybacki, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of Economic Analysis, Poland

This article was edited by Guest Editor: Joanna Siwińska-Gorzelak University of Warsaw, Poland; Bettina Bökemeier, Bielefeld University, Germany

as part of the Special Call “Perspectives on Fiscal Policy“

Published online: 2020-10-31

Financial development and income inequality

Ewa Weychert, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland

Published online: 2020-10-03

Managerial accounting in the implementation of deliverology using the example of Ukraine

Andrii Y. Buriachenko, Tetiana V. Zhyber, Tetiana Paientko, Finance Faculty, Kyiv National Economics University, Ukraine

This article was edited by Guest Editors: Justyna Dobroszek University of Lodz, Poland Rafael Heinzelmann University of Agder, Norway Przemysław Kabalski University of Lodz, Poland

as part of the Special Call “Managerial accounting: state-of-the-art and research perspectives in Central and Eastern European countries“

Published online: 2020-09-19

The voting of EU members for common consolidated corporate tax base and the tax benefits

Wojciech Dąbroś, Janusz Kudła, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland

Published online: 2020-09-09

Cryptocurrencies as an asset class in portfolio optimisation

Olha Holovatiuk, University of Warsaw, Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine

Published online: 2020-09-09

Financial liability stress tests: an approach based on the use of a rating migration matrix

Klaudia Kleszcz, Natalia Nehrebecka, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warsaw, Poland

Published online: 2020-09-09

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