Knowledge-intensive services sector and its dynamics and structure of employment in European Union countries
This article is devoted to the knowledge-intensive services sector and its dynamics and structure of employment. In its theoretical part, the study presents definitions and classifications of knowledge-intensive services sector and discusses knowledge intensity of this sector. In the research part, the author presents the analysis of dynamics and structure of employment in knowledge-intensive services sectors in member countries of the European Union. The main conclusions resulting from the analysis are as follows. Firstly, employment in knowledgeintensive service sectors has increased more than employment in the less knowledge-intensive service sectors in all the analysed European Union countries. Employment in the less knowledge-intensive service sectors over the analysed period either has increased to a lesser extent, or even declined a few percentage points in most of the cases. Secondly, in all the analysed countries the share of HRST workers (Human Resources in Science and Technology) in the overall employed workers is greater in knowledge-intensive service sectors than in the less knowledge-intensive ones. Thirdly, in countries generally considered to be knowledge-based economies the share of HRST workers in the overall employment in knowledge-intensive service sectors was in some cases lower than in the less developed countries.