eISSN: 2543-6821
DOI prefix: 10.2478
open access
free of charge
double-blind peer-reviewed journal

Poland’s Accession to the European Union: Adaptation and Absorption

Poland’s Accession to the European Union: Adaptation and Absorption Adaptive processes signify, above all, a mutual structural adaptiation of interrelated units ana organisms, while absorptive processes signify the transmission of characteristics and properties of socioeconomic processes from the units and ogranisms which had attained them earlier to these which have matured later. These features and properties are technological and organizational patterns, rules of the game within a given economic organism(always institutionally authorized) as well as broadly understood patterns of consumption, culture and habits. By all means, adaptation is not identical with absorption, albeit both phenomena either induce or terminate each other in the chain of interactions in time and space. The author discusses consecutively the structural and spatial aspects of the problem, addressing it to the Polish accesion to the EU.

Issue: 8

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