The Economical Powers in the EU, Continuity and Change, and Poland’s Position
The economic powers of the EU such as Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy for many centuries have been fighting against each other. Only the 20th century caused that all the four international subjects understood that they must cooperate and not only did they understood but also came to political conclusions. Now they have become the main force of the expanding EU. However it does not mean that the antagonisms between these four countries have disappeared. The societies of each of these countries wish to be better or stronger from the other three great rivals. At the same time all these countries have introduced with the policy of the EU the idea of international democracy, which is based on the respect for medium and small countries. We need to underline that the number of the small countries has been growing. Even these small and medium countries may development the culture and civilization which is not in the worse economical condition than the greatest economic powers. However as the paper deals with the economic powers—we have to state that just behind the great leading countries there are for territorial and demographic reasons, two countries; there is a big gap behind these countries. These two countries are Spain and Poland. Both countries were in extremely difficult situation; so far only Spain has managed to overcome the crisis. But in the conditions of international democracy, a simple question must arise, why Poland could not overcome this situation as well, not immediately however, but in the nearest future.