eISSN: 2543-6821
DOI prefix: 10.2478
open access
free of charge
double-blind peer-reviewed journal

Econometric and Cluster Analysis of Potential and Regional Features of The Labour Market of Poland

One of the actual problems of economic integration for the EU-member countries candidates is the problem of the analysis and coordination of the local labour markets. As was marked in the documents of the European Union (March, 2003) for the countries which are going to become new members of the EU, it is necessary to decide the number of basic tasks [Ciechañski, 2003]. Poland, actively preparing for joining the EU, has developed the JAP program, in which the directions of employment strategy were precisely formulated within the framework of the European employment strategy.

Issue: 21

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logotypy ministerstwa

Dofinansowano ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach programu "Rozwój czasopism naukowych" (kwota 40 475 PLN)