eISSN: 2543-6821
DOI prefix: 10.2478
open access
free of charge
double-blind peer-reviewed journal

The value of an additional year of survival in Poland. Results and conclusions from valuation studies in the context of air quality improvement

The article touches the problem how to valuate such specific goods as human health and life. The study provides the results of the first Polish valuation of life year gained (VOLY) in the context of air pollution on the level of 32,0–70,4 thousand PLN. Presented contingent valuation method survey was conducted within European Commission NEEDS project. Common questionnaire was implemented in 8 European countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, France, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, Denmark. Poland’s research was conducted by Warsaw Ecological Economics Centre in 2004–2006. The monetary indicators can be used in decisive processes in health care and environmental protection sectors. Taking into account first Polish experiences in valuation of life year and trends in development of valuation methods, some directions for future research in this field have been outlined.

Issue: 19

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